White Label Digital Lending Platform

Catalyzing banks and fintechs reach out to the unbanked for financial access.
Mobile has become the most integral part to reach out to the underbanked. The cost of traditional ways of customer acquisition is too high and outdated. Digitech One has orchestrated all the services financial institutions need to digital lending services. From the e-KYC module, Open API for product management module, e-consent module, fund transfer API to sponsored banks and electronic signature API for a loan contract.
We follow the international guideline such as NIST SP 800-63 Digital Identity Guidelines and ETDA’s Digital Identity Guideline for Thailand.

White Lable Mobile Lending

Digital Leanding Step.jpg


How does it work?



Easy onboarding for customer

We help enterprise onboard customers to
the desired Identity Assurance Level
based on regulatory requirements and
types of transactions.


E-consent online via NDID platform

Support real-time e-consent with
 strong customer authentication



Flexible UI and product management

Simplify new financial products and services launch with open API



Pluggable Fund transfer API

Connect to your payment
 gateway for fund transfer


Digital sign your contract

Enterprise can issue
 a loan contract electronically
with legal binding

Captcha Code

By submitting, I agree to the processing and international transfer of my personal data by DataOne Asia as described in the Private Policy.